Results for 'Thomas D. Schiano'

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  1.  26
    Promoting Research with Organ Transplant Patients.Sarah R. Lieber, Thomas D. Schiano & Rosamond Rhodes - 2018 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 40 (5):1-10.
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    Liberalism and the Limits of Justice.D. A. Lloyd Thomas - 1983 - Philosophical Books 24 (4):249-251.
  3. The state of human life+ Rentsch, Thomas and Nussbaum, Martha on morality and social-justice.D. Thoma - 1992 - Philosophische Rundschau 39 (4):309-318.
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    Staging Memory, Staging Strife: Empire and Civil War in the Octavia by Lauren Donovan.Thomas D. Kohn - 2018 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 111 (2):269-271.
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    Some Truths and Truisms regarding History.Thomas D. Langan - 1958 - Review of Metaphysics 12 (2):277 - 284.
    Dray restricts himself in Laws and Explanations in History to a cautious examination of the popular "covering law theory" of historical explanation and of the sense of "causal explanation" as applied to history. He deftly dialogues in their own terms with those who would make the end of history the subsuming of particular incidents under general laws, carefully marshalling evidence to show that what such theorists treat as "exceptions" actually go to prove that the interest and validity of history lie (...)
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    GANEing on emotion and emotion regulation.Thomas D. Hull - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39.
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    Comparison of intradimensional and extradimensional shifts using geometric and symbolic stimuli.Thomas D. Kennedy & Charles D. Gersten - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 7 (5):458-460.
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    The effects of instructions on recall and recognition of categorized lists by the elderly.Thomas D. Overcast, Martin D. Murphy, Sandra S. Smiley & Ann L. Brown - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 5 (4):339-341.
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    Art and Paideia.Thomas D. Paxson - 1985 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 19 (1):67.
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  10. Thomas Hurka, Perfectionism, New York, Oxford University Press, 1993, pp. xi + 222.D. A. Lloyd Thomas - 1995 - Utilitas 7 (2):327.
  11. The Supreme Court on Attorney Fee Awards, 1985 and 1986 Terms: Economics, Ethics, and Ex Ante Analysis, 1 Geo. J.Thomas D. Rowe - 1988 - Legal Ethics 621.
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    Common Core/Diversity Dilemma, Agatheism and the Epistemology of Religious Belief.Thomas D. Senor - 2016 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 8 (4):213--226.
    The essay “The Common-Core/Diversity Dilemma: Revisions of Humean Thought, New Empirical Research, and the Limits of Rational Religious Belief‘ is a bold argument for the irrationality of “first-order‘ religious belief. However, unlike those associated with “New Atheism,‘ the paper’s authors Branden Thornhill-Miller and Peter Millican claim both that there are prospects for rational “second-order‘ religious belief and that religious belief and practice can play a positive role in human life. In response to Thornhill-Miller and Millican, Janusz Salamon has argued that (...)
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  13. John Dinwiddy, Bentham.D. Thomas - 1991 - Enlightenment and Dissent 10:119-120.
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  14. The Honest Mind.D. O. Thomas - 1978 - Philosophy 53 (206):574-575.
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  15. The Meaning and Purpose of Human Life.D. H. Thomas - 1957 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 19 (1):138-138.
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    Benevolence and Absolute Prohibitions.Thomas D. Sullivan & Gary Atkinson - 1985 - International Philosophical Quarterly 25 (3):247-259.
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  17. Preserving preservationism: A reply to Lackey.Thomas D. Senor - 2007 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 74 (1):199–208.
  18. Francis Hutcheson:'Father'of the Scottish Enlightenment.Thomas D. Campbell - 1982 - In Campbell & Skinner, The Origins and Nature of the Scottish Enlightenment. pp. 167--85.
  19. Annual Address to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Lexinton.Thomas D. Mitchell - 1939 - Lexington, Ky..
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    Elementary Signal Detection Theory.Thomas D. Wickens - 2001 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Detection theory has been applied to a host of varied problems (for example, measuring the accuracy of diagnostic systems or reliability of lie detection tests) and extends far beyond the detection of signals. This book is a primer on the subject.
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    Virtual Reality for Enhanced Ecological Validity and Experimental Control in the Clinical, Affective and Social Neurosciences.Thomas D. Parsons - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  22. The prima/ultima facie justification distinction in epistemology.Thomas D. Senor - 1996 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 56 (3):551-566.
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    R.E. Kaske, Medieval Christian Literary Imagery.Thomas D. Hill - 1993 - Mediaevalia 19:261-272.
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    The Typology of the Week and the Numerical Structure of the Old English Guthlac B.Thomas D. Hill - 1975 - Mediaeval Studies 37 (1):531-536.
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  25. Internalistic foundationalism and the justification of memory belief.Thomas D. Senor - 1993 - Synthese 94 (3):453 - 476.
    In this paper I argue that internalistic foundationalist theories of the justification of memory belief are inadequate. Taking a discussion of John Pollock as a starting point, I argue against any theory that requires a memory belief to be based on a phenomenal state in order to be justified. I then consider another version of internalistic foundationalism and claim that it, too, is open to important objections. Finally, I note that both varieties of foundationalism fail to account for the epistemic (...)
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    Curiosity and the Integrated Self.Thomas D. Kennedy - 2001 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 4 (4):33-54.
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  27. Preface and introduction to John Disney's Diary.D. Thomas - 2002 - Enlightenment and Dissent 21:1-41.
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  28. Proportionality, causation, and exclusion.Thomas D. Bontly - 2005 - Philosophia 32 (1):331-348.
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    Overcoming Conflicting Definitions of “Euthanasia,” and of “Assisted Suicide,” Through a Value-Neutral Taxonomy of “End-Of-Life Practices”.Thomas D. Riisfeldt - 2023 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 20 (1):51-70.
    The term “euthanasia” is used in conflicting ways in the bioethical literature, as is the term “assisted suicide,” resulting in definitional confusion, ambiguities, and biases which are counterproductive to ethical and legal discourse. I aim to rectify this problem in two parts. Firstly, I explore a range of conflicting definitions and identify six disputed definitional factors, based on distinctions between (1) killing versus letting die, (2) fully intended versus partially intended versus merely foreseen deaths, (3) voluntary versus nonvoluntary versus involuntary (...)
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  30. The supervenience argument generalizes.Thomas D. Bontly - 2002 - Philosophical Studies 109 (1):75-96.
    In his recent book, Jaegwon Kim argues thatpsychophysical supervenience withoutpsychophysical reduction renders mentalcausation `unintelligible'. He also claimsthat, contrary to popular opinion, his argumentagainst supervenient mental causation cannot begeneralized so as to threaten the causalefficacy of other `higher-level' properties:e.g., the properties of special sciences likebiology. In this paper, I argue that none ofthe considerations Kim advances are sufficientto keep the supervenience argument fromgeneralizing to all higher-level properties,and that Kim's position in fact entails thatonly the properties of fundamental physicalparticles are causally efficacious.
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  31. Critical Introduction to the Epistemology of Memory.Thomas D. Senor - 2019 - New York: Bloomsbury.
    In this clear and up-to-date introduction, Thomas D. Senor lays the philosophical foundation needed to understand the justification of memory belief. This book explores traditional accounts of the justification of memory belief and examines the resources that prominent positions in contemporary epistemology have to offer theories of the memorial justification. Along the way, epistemic conservatism, evidentialism, foundationalism, phenomenal conservatism, reliabilism, and preservationism all feature. Study Questions and annotated Further Reading guides at the end of each chapter make this book (...)
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    Philosophy in Literature: Metaphysical Darkness and Ethical Light (review).Thomas D. Howells - 1984 - Philosophy and Literature 8 (1):128-129.
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    Living between the Bedrock of Disability and the Hard Place of Social Identity.Thomas D. Craig - 2001 - American Journal of Semiotics 17 (4):201-228.
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    Concepts.Thomas D. Sullivan - 1982 - New Scholasticism 56 (2):146-168.
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  35. (1 other version)8. Evil, God, and the Agnostic Inquirer.Thomas D. Sullivan - 1999 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 2 (1).
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  36. Benjamin Hoadly: The Ethics of Sincerity.D. O. Thomas - 1996 - Enlightenment and Dissent 15:71-88.
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    Dworkin's Transcendental Ideal.Thomas D. Perry - 1982 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 7 (1):255-269.
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    Epistola de tolerantia, a letter on toleration.D. O. Thomas - 1969 - Philosophical Books 10 (1):17-19.
  39. Causes, contrasts, and the non-identity problem.Thomas D. Bontly - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (5):1233-1251.
    Can an act harm someone—a future someone, someone who does not exist yet but will—if that person would never exist but for that very action? This is one question raised by the non-identity problem. Many would argue that the answer is No: an action harms someone only insofar as it is worse for her, and an action cannot be worse for someone if she would not exist without it. The first part of this paper contends that the plausibility of the (...)
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  40. The traditions of fideism.Thomas D. Carroll - 2008 - Religious Studies 44 (1):1-22.
    Philosophers and theologians acknowledge that "fideism" is difficult to define but rarely agree on what the best characterization of the term is. In this article, I investigate the history of use of "fideism" to explore why its meaning has been so contested and thus why it has not always been helpful for resolving philosophical problems. I trace the use of the term from its origins in French theology to its current uses in philosophy and theology, concluding that "fideism" is helpful (...)
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    The Concept of Representation.D. A. Lloyd Thomas - 1969 - Philosophical Quarterly 19 (75):186-187.
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  42. Epistemological problems of memory.Thomas D. Senor - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  43. The Problem of Relevance and the Future of Philosophy of Religion.Thomas D. Carroll - 2016 - Metaphilosophy 47 (1):39-58.
    Despite the growth in research in philosophy of religion over the past several decades, recent years have seen a number of critical studies of this subfield in an effort to redirect the methods and topics of inquiry. This article argues that in addition to problems of religious parochialism described by critics such as Wesley Wildman, the subfield is facing a problem of relevance. In responding to this problem, it suggests that philosophers of religion should do three things: first, be critically (...)
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  44. Modified occam's razor: Parsimony, pragmatics, and the acquisition of word meaning.Thomas D. Bontly - 2005 - Mind and Language 20 (3):288–312.
    Advocates of linguistic pragmatics often appeal to a principle which Paul Grice called Modified Occam's Razor: 'Senses are not to be multiplied beyond necessity'. Superficially, Grice's principle seems a routine application of the principle of parsimony ('Entities are not to be multiplied beyond necessity'). But parsimony arguments, though common in science, are notoriously problematic, and their use by Griceans faces numerous objections. This paper argues that Modified Occam's Razor makes considerably more sense in light of certain assumptions about the processes (...)
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  45. The Philosophical Investigations in Philosophy of Religion.Thomas D. Carroll - 2024 - JOLMA 5 (Special Issue):37-64.
    Despite overlooking religious topics, Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations (PI) has had a large impact in philosophy of religion. This article surveys that influence and the reasons for it. In what follows, I first describe the reception of certain key concepts from the PI in philosophy of religion. Second, I examine a few scattered remarks on religious topics in the PI. Third, I consider the relevance of the PI for contemporary philosophy of religion. I argue that the dialogical nature of the PI, (...)
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  46. Wittgenstein within the Philosophy of Religion.Thomas D. Carroll - 2014 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The commonly held view that Wittgensteinian philosophy of religion entails an irrationalist defense of religion known as 'fideism' loses plausibility when contrasted with recent scholarship on Wittgenstein's corpus, biography, and other sources. This book reevaluates the place of Wittgenstein in the philosophy of religion and charts a path forward for the subfield by advancing three themes. The first is that philosophers of religion should question received interpretations of philosophers, such as Wittgenstein, as well as the meanings of key terms used (...)
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    Personalism.Thomas D. Williams - 2010 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  48. Athronwyr Ac Addysg.D. R. Thomas - 1969 - Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru.
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  49. Richard Ashcraft on John Locke's Two Treatises.D. Thomas - 1995 - Enlightenment and Dissent 14:128-154.
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  50. (2 other versions)The Honest Mind: The Thought and Work of Richard Price.D. O. Thomas - 1979 - Religious Studies 15 (2):257-259.
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